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News page started on 06/22/2002 to keep track of site history. 09/25/2011 Family life and work keeps me busy and I have little time for my hobbies. But once in a while I’ve got the chance to get my hands dirty (apart from changing pampers... ;-). And when by coincidence I get a rare small turbine engine offered, I cannot refuse. Here’s my latest engine project - the William WR24-7-2. 06/14/2009 More news from Cyprus after a long time of “silence” on my page, have a look here! 11/08/2006 After another trip to Cyprus to meet my friend Platon, I extended the corresponding page a little. Moreover, since we bought three Solar T-62 engines together, I started a more detailed page on that engine. 04/09/2006 A short page on a very peculiar application of an Ru19A-300 engine has been added as well as another Link to the web site of a fellow turbine addict. 11/02/2005 After a long time without an update and several more acquisitions which all need to be documented, I decided to change the mode of publishing my email address. Due to the flood of spam and virus infected mails, I had to delete my mailbox alias “thomas(at)te-baumgart.de” and I redirected all the contact links to my “impressum” page where the email address is given in a form so it has to be typed in - sorry. 07/02/2004 Another addition to our museum - three Williams Research WR2-6 have been sourced. Also a spectacular clip of an ultra-hot APU start on this page. 06/09/2004 After coming back from a really amazing trip to Cyprus to visit my friend Platon, I added the Solar T-62T-32 Page to tell about my experiences with this enigne and how we got it running using a governor of my own design. 05/01/2004 Had some success disassembling the MTU 6012 and got hold of another Sophia engine - this time a J-850 02/15/2004 New acquisition with a laughing and a crying eye - but have a look yourself at the MTU 6012 page. 01/25/2004 First run of Jürgen’s 2PW8 - scary! 12/14/2003 as a response to numerous inquiries I decided to set up a german language version of my web site. It will still take some time translating all the pages so please be patient with me. Bitte hier clicken, um zum deutschen Teil zu gelangen! 08/16/2003 New acquisition 2PW8 APU. Jürgen finally got a “small” single-spool shaft turbine engine. 05/10/2003 New acquisition Ru19A-300 turbojet. Jürgen and me got two such units together. 04/03/2003 Some more detailed information on Andreas’s turbine engine has been added. 10/13/2002 Most fascinating: I started a page on Andreas Petzoldt’s Personal Flying Suit project! 10/07/2002 After a long time some new pictures and a short video clip of Jürgen’s turbine - not quite running, but close. And a funny clip with a certain GTP30 engine and a watering-pot as the main actors. Please have a look at my GTP30 page. 09/28/2002 added some new information on the TS-21 to the gearbox details page 09/08/2002 as a response to multiple inquiries I uploaded the construction information for the model engine ECU, though the unit is still far from being finished. Please see the KJ66 page. Also changed the site layout using frames as to allow separate scrolling of the main information windows - hope it works... 07/29/2002 added a very simple, small and easy to build high tension ignition exciter to the KJ Starter page 07/26/2002 started a new page about my own way too complicated turbine starter design ;-) 06/25/2002 started new Links page to clean up web site structure 06/24/2002 added short video clip of the TS-21 gear operation 06/22/2002 added updated versions of the AVI videos of the GTP30 first runs to solve the audio problems of the earlier version