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Garrett AiResearch GTP30-67 I consider the Garrett GTP30 series of APUs one of the classic small gas turbine engines. Their origin dates back to the 1960’s and there have been quite some similar engines at this time, for instance the Solar T41 APU. All these engines feature both radial compressor and turbine, an overhung rotor shaft construction without bearings in the hot section and a single can combustor located tangentially to the turbine wheel. All this leads to an easy, troublefree operation. These engines will idle at very low temperatures, some fellow turbine collectors report less that 300°C. Since I’m currently in the process of inspecting and cleaning the engine, I cannot specify any data myself yet. The GTP30-67 was used in a ground power unit (GPU), the “EMU-12/E” that was rated 120V/400Hz at 20kW. To conclude from the construction of the engine, it should be capable of much more power but it is probably derated for this application in order to achieve a longer life span. From general construction the GTP30 has much in common with homebuilt turbocharger gas turbines, yet in regards to the level of sophistication they cannot be compared. I haven’t got a photo of my engine in one piece yet since I want to have it cleaned first. Actually it isn’t very dirty but during the time of storage it has collected a lot of dust in the most impossible corners that needs to be removed. It also has two very minor dents in the air plenum housing that I will try to straighten out. They won’t be detrimental with regards to operation but as long as I know they are there I want them to be removed ;-).
This is quite an interesting design of primary air swirlers that seem to produce two counter-rotating air flows in the centre and the peripherial regions of the flame tube. Notice the bores inside the fuel nozzle receptacle, here enters some air to aid atomisation (later to be seen).
For those of you who might be interested in exact dimensions of this combustor liner, I’ve sketched a drawing which you can download here. It is a ZIPped DXF file that should be accepted by virtually any CAD software. Yet I don’t know if this combustor could be scaled up or down to suit a particular (turbocharger) gas turbine project.
Bad news - the ignition box of the engine is damaged. It would make a high-pitched whining noise but it won’t spark. Also the current consumption was rather low, less than 500mA. I finally decided to open it and since it is a soldered metal can construction I tried to use the household can opener - and immediately ruined it ;-). Anyway, somehow I opened the box and found the complete electronics to be covered in polyurethane foam. After some archaeologist’s work (the igniter dated from 1968...) I had dug out the electronics. Yes, ELECTRONICS! I expected to find an electromagnetic trembler and an ignition coil, but there is a vintage 1968 silicon (!) power transistor in it that forms a simple flyback-converter. I’ll post the schematic as soon as I find some time to enter the free-hand sketch into my CAE system. Anyway, finally it turned out that the spark energy storage capacitor was internally shorted and since this is about the single most important component in the whole igniter, there wouldn’t have been a chance to repair it anyway. Yet I could rescue the two connectors so now it’s time for a modified version of my “Bangbox”. I considered buying an original spare but I think my wallet won’t like this idea too much. Once again, I’ll post pictures and the new schematic soon.
Well, I decided not to just make something preliminary but to build a control panel that would be kept for a possible application of the engine later on. I found out that one of the internal wirings of the three-phase RPM tacho generator was molten away. This was probably a result of operating the engine without a proper ground return wire, causing a high current to flow through the ground link inside this generator. Yet it was easily repaired and then I found out that the VDO RPM gauge that I’ve still got sitting on my shelf exactly fits this generator. So I did a little drawing and a little milling on my CAD/CAM system and here it is, the control panel:
The engraved descriptions can hardly be seen, maybe I should flush them with some dye. This panel measures only 190x150mm² and contains a manual breaker for every major electrical circuit. There are some safety circuits that will shut down the engine in case of severe overspeed or too low oil pressure, as well provisions were taken to avoid the starter to be energised once the engine is running. I will publish a schematic of this control unit if somebody is interested. In this case, please drop me a line. There’s no real electronics in it, just electromechanics (relays, switches) and a few diodes. Nothing really complicated. I guess this panel would make an ultralight’s dashboard look mighty important ;-).
After another deal with Bruce Linsmeyer from Avon Aero (http://www.avonaero.com) I got an original starter motor (since converting a motorcycle starter seems too much hassle) as well as an ignition exciter and some other smaller components. Yet though I operated the exciter according to the specifications on the type plate, it gave up its ghost after only a few minutes of total sparking time. Seems like I have no luck with these units. Yet Bruce was so kind to send me another one for free, this time everything was ok. The former ones were GLA brand (General Laboratories Assosiates), this one is a Bendix. But since I’m always a little peculiar, I opened the second damaged GLA unit as well. After cleaning out all the rubber resin it was covered with, the photo below was taken.
This ignition exciter dates 1966 and is exactly what I had expected. A nice, straight-forward electro-mechanical unit. At the right there’s the voltage converter coil with the trembler points as an integral component above. The points are placed in a hermetically tight cabinet, probably filled with some highly isolative gas (SF6 or the like). The yellow capacitor left from the trembler cabinet is the resonant cap, wired in parallel with the points. Left from the transformer coil sits the gas-filled rectifier diode and then the trigger spark gap. Some of its electrodes’ material had been sputtered onto the glass walls during operation. The series ignition coil is placed in-line with the ignition terinal with the ignition capacitor just above it. All these components are glued to a pertinax plate. On the other site of this plate there’s the large energy storage capacitor placed as well as the two discharge resistors. A more detailed analysis of the failure revealed a partial isolation break-down in the secondary of the voltage converter coil. This will reduce the output voltage to a point where the trigger spark gap won’t break down anymore. Since the other components are still in a pretty good shape and I managed to open the exciter case without damaging it, I decided to rebuild this unit with an electronic voltage converter. After some hours of design work it became amazingly clear how small actually the electromechanical solution of the sixties is. Anyway I managed to construct the electronic exciter circuit in the same place but I can tell you this wasn’t easy. I’ll post a picture as soon as the new version is ready for testing. And here it is:
The voltage converter is based on a UC3843 current mode PWM flyback converter chip that allows the construction of a very compact and reliable power supply. Due to the extremely high switching speeds of power MOSFETs, the step-up transformer requires just about 100 turns for the secondary to produce up to 5kV. In this case I used PTFE-isolated PCB patch wire for the secondary because of its superb isolation characteristics.
If anybody is interested in the schematics (very similar to the “Bangbox” but a little simplified and different ignition configuration), please drop me a line.
06/15/2002 But I got these minor difficulties sorted out before the others dropped in. Then after a quick lunch and a look at my other toys, we carried outside the turbine, the two starter batteries, the control panel, some tools and the special fuel mix (80% diesel, 20% gas and you should have seen the look of the guy at the filling station...). The engine was wired up quickly. Then we disconnected the feed pipe from the fuel nozzle to cold crank the engine in order to bleed the air from the fuel system. Ok, main power on, fuel feed pump on, fuel valve on and starter button pressed. The starter clutch snapped in place and the engine accelerated rapidly. Quickly fuel was pouring from the pipe into a small bucket. The engine tach turned out to work reversely, so I exchanged two of the three phases and it worked allright. Now came the moment of truth. I would be lying if I'ld tell you I wasn't excited and perhaps a little bit frightened, but anyway, if not now when then? So I set the main power switch on, fuel feed pump on (chuck-chuck-chuck..., a Bendix interruptor pump makes funny noises), ignition system on, fuel valve switch on and... start button pressed. The engine started spooling up and within a second the burner burst into life - wooosh. At first the engine didn't seem to accelerate any faster than on the starter motor alone but when it approached 15% N1 the effect of the combustion became more and more evident. Within about ten seconds RPM reached 40% and I released the starter as described in the manual. The engine continued to accelerate but suddenly it "coughed", the flame seemed to be extinguished shortly to relight again just after about half a second. The engine threw a cloud of unburnt fuel mist, the look was quite spectacular. It was a real luck that the neighbors weren't at home at this time. The engine repeated this for about ten seconds without accelerating above 50% until I shut it down. After some discussions we decided to try to bleed some more air from the fuel system and disconnected the fuel hose just prior to the solenoid fuel valve. This time we pumped about half a litre through the fuel control unit until it came flowing completely free of bubbles. Then we reattached the hose and gave it another attempt. The engine started up once again (now with the neighbours back home and watching, but warned of what possibly to expect) but this time it happily accelerated above the 50% mark. At 60% the acceleration rate became really frightening and if I hadn't been prepared for this by some other GTP30 owners, I probably would have pushed the main power switch to shut down the unit. From 60% to 100% the engine accelerated in about four seconds. It reached no-load governed speed at 101%, and a consequent run with a calibrated thermometer in the exhaust revealed an EGT of just 290°C at an ambient temperature of probably almost 30°C. Quickly we had a spectator who turned out to having been a sevice technician at KHD (Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz, a turbine manufacturing company not far from my town, nowadays
part of Rolls Royce). He heard the engine noise - or should I say "music" ;-) - and thought there was a display or practice of To keep annoyance to the neighbors to a minimum we finished after four runs to 100% and enjoyed the rest of the day smiling... This was fun I can tell you. We had some videos taken and as soon as I'll get them transferred into the PC and converted to a reasonable size format, I'll upload them to my web site. The fuel consumption of the GTP30 seems to be quite moderate. Well, at least with regards to turbines. For a total of six starts (where the first two weren’t completed to governed speed) and a total running time of about six minutes it consumed just about one litre of “Tom’s very special mix”. I guess it will produce some considerable power with a fuel flow of 30 litres per hour. If we then take into account the price for kerosine or even home heating oil compared to avgas (or mogas which suits our UL aircraft engines), running this engine in such an aircraft could be a real bargain. Only issue is that one will need to top up the tank more often.
Well, here are the clips. You will need the DivX codec to view them. It turned out that this format allowed the least size of the clips while still providing acceptable quality. “Walkabout” (1MB) shows the engine from all sides just ready for take-off. Nothing really spectacular but I placed it here anyway. “Start1” (1.8MB) was the first time the engine actually accelerated to governed speed. Notice the nice flame from the exhaust at ignition and the “coughing” while running at idle speed. I blame this to some air still being trapped in the fuel control unit. “Start2” (2.7MB) shows the engine after we placed a calibrated thermocouple in the exhaust to get some reliable readings for EGT. The EGT meter I mounted to my control panel originated from a helicopter and was calibrated for a type K thermocouple with longer interconnection wires hence the readings on this instrument were a little high (about 20%). I’ll adjust it later on. Actual EGT at no-load governed speed was just slightly above 290°C. During acceleration the temperature increased above 700°C momentarily. The “coughing” was there once again after governed speed was reached but it disappeared a few seconds later. Notice the effect of the jet efflux to the plants around the garage door. Actually a few of the branches died the next day... “Watersports” (1.5MB), taken 10/07/2002 at Jürgen Wagner’s place, shows some nice application of the engine as a primitive hot water sprayer. And also we’ve got a spectacular start... But have a look yourself!
Other GTP30 collector: http://www.jcmco.com/turbines/ Jim has got a nicely restored GTP30-67, mounted on a test rig. He’s considering to put his engine into a professional “ride-on” lawn mower.
More to follow...